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Aqua pantry door update

I recently painted my pantry door. ย You can read about it here. It looked like this originally.

Pantry door

Then I painted it in Tidewater by Sherwin Williams…who hasn’t caught aqua fever after all!?

Aqua panty door

I thought that was going to be the magic I was looking for and it was for a short while. It was better, but still felt unfinished and not quite us. Yesterday, on a bit of a whim, I decided to test a small area with some General Finishes glaze in VanDyke Brown. Yeah, the test turned into a full door refinish at 10:00 at night. I posted a few pictures online to get some feedback and for the most part, it was all positive so I decided to commit! ย If you notice, I also painted the trin around the door. ย Originally I’d left it white, but it felt really disconnected. ย The painted and glazed trim grounded the door and made it look like it had always been that way and not at all an after thought.

Aqua pantry door

I bit the bullet and finished ‘er up. This is a close up of the finish complete with fly specking. There are so many dang flies here in NC, and the one flying around my head was my inspiration and reason for adding the fly specks, lol. Not really.


Aqua interior door

…and here’s the new, made to look old, aqua panty door!!


Aqua door

I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please leave me a message below and of course, if you have any questions, ask away. I will be sharing a tutorial on how to achieve this look, so stayed tuned for that! If you love this makeover, please be sure to share below. Thanks!

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    1. Hi Lynn! The base is Sherwin Williams pro classics in Tidewater. The glaze is General Finishes in VDB. I’m putting together a tutorial, so stay tuned for that. You can subscribe to the blog to make sure you get the update when comes through. Thanks for visiting! xo

  1. The door is lovely! Some of the best creative work we do is in the late hours on a whim! I like that you did the moulding around the door as well. Very finished. Bravo!

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  2. It looks great with the glaze! Fits in with the cabinets so much better! Visiting from SITS ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  3. I love your door. Do you share what kind of glaze you used? I have to paint an entire kitchen and I love your look better than all I’ve seen. THANK YOU! Rebecca

    1. Thanks so much! I used General Finishes in Van Dyke Brown. It’s over Sherwim Williams Pro classics. I’m going to try and put a video or tutorial together on how I achieved this look, so stay tuned for that. Make sure you subscribe to see when it comes out. Thanks a bunch for stopping by! xo

    1. Thanks! It’s funny, at first I was on the fence about it. It’s so drastically different from the clean look it had before. After living with it for a few days though, I’m totally in love. There’s so much to look at and in person, I think it really does make people take a second look and wonder if it’s actually a new door or authentically old. I can’t wait to redo the rest! xo

  4. I love your ‘new door’s’ old look. I would love to do just that with my kitchen chairs. Now you’ve inspired me! Tks.

  5. I love your ‘new door’s’ old look. I would love to do just that with my kitchen chairs. Now you’ve inspired me! Tks.

    1. Hey hey Robin!! The table and chairs are amongst the tasks on my growing to do list ๐Ÿ™‚ I really need to get working on the tutorial. Hopefully soon!

  6. It looks amazing! I am not familiar with the glaze…very cool…was it hard? If you started at 10 pm, what time did you finish?

    1. Hey Nancy! Hmmm, it wasn’t really hard, no. It’s just really manipulating the glaze to make it look believable. I started at 10 and finished at 11:00 then took about an hour or so the next day to finish the bottom ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. It looks amazing! I am not familiar with the glaze…very cool…was it hard? If you started at 10 pm, what time did you finish?

    1. Hey Nancy! Hmmm, it wasn’t really hard, no. It’s just really manipulating the glaze to make it look believable. I started at 10 and finished at 11:00 then took about an hour or so the next day to finish the bottom ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. The Pantry Door looks amazing. Would love to see the Tutorial update of how u painted and glazed to achieve this look. Thanks!

  9. The Pantry Door looks amazing. Would love to see the Tutorial update of how u painted and glazed to achieve this look. Thanks!

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